The City of Plantation’s population is almost 100,000 residents, with approximately 7,500 of these residents living in Plantation Acres.
As a General Purpose Government, the City has developed a robust infrastructure with 21 individual departments and 1,124 employees, serving the residents of the City.
Below is the list of departments beneficial to residents of Plantation Acres, related to flood control and water management services, if these services would be provided to us by the City.
- Office of the Mayor
- Councilmembers
- Administration
- Building Department
- City Attorney
- City Clerk
- Code Enforcement
- Engineering Department
- Environmental Landscape Division
- Financial Services
- Human Resources
- Information Technology
- Planning, Zoning and Economic Development
- Procurement
- Public Works
PAID has 5 Commissioners. It also has 5 full time employees, with similar duties to the City’s Public Works Department, related to repairs and preventative maintenance of the pumps, ponds, canals, piping, and culverts. All other governance duties and responsibilities are completed through contracted service providers to PAID.
Through the reduction or elimination of duplicated services by changing to a single service provider, additional funds could be re-allocated to the critical flood control and water management system.
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